Canyon Professional Building
595 Canyon Boulevard
Boulder, CO 80302

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Marijuana Is Legal In Colorado! (kind of)

Congratulations to all those that worked so hard to pass Amendment 64 here in Colorado!  It truly was a grass roots efforts and thank you all for your hard work.

So what does this mean?  Rather than reinvent the wheel go to this link for more information:

It is a Frequently Asked Questions from Colorado NORML that will help provide guidelines for all recreational marijuana consumers.

Remember, be kind and responsible and let's show the world that the sky will not fall if lawful adults smoke a little dope every once in a while.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

64 Ways To Promote A64

I have been completely negligent with this blog and I promise to do better in the future. This November election cycle is extremely important to those that advocate for the legalization of marijuana.

Ask yourself, "Do I know someone who has smoked marijuana and do I believe that person is a criminal that should be incarcerated?" If the answer is yes to the first question and no to the second question then please vote yes on Colorado Amendment 64.

Till then, here are 64 other ways to help A64 pass thanks to the good folks at

1.  Pass out 64 (or more!) fliers explaining the initiative. We’ll mail them to you when you complete this online form, or you can download them here and print them yourself.
2.  Change your Facebook, Twitter and other social media profile pics and avatars to theYes on 64 logo.
3.  Check your voter registration online, and encourage your friends and family to do the same before the registration deadline on October 9.
4.  Call your grandma. Call your mom. Call every voter you know in Colorado. Let them know why you are voting Yes on 64, and encourage them to do the same.
5.  Attend a volunteer training session, then...
6.  Sign up to volunteer at events, and...
7.  Join us for door-to-door canvassing!
8.  Host a house meeting for Amendment 64.
9.  Design a Facebook cover image supporting YES on 64. Email it to us and we may post it in our album for others to use, too.
10.  Change your Facebook cover image to the Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol banner.
11.  Share the Dear Mom video.
12.  Share the Dear Dad video.
13.  Visit local businesses, bringing Amendment 64 flyers, and ask them to pass them out at the register.
14.  Watch & share the Yes on 64 Theme Song video.
15.  Film yourself singing the Yes on 64 Theme Song.  Upload it online and share it with the campaign!
16.  Write & record your own Yes on 64 Theme Song. Upload it online and share it with the campaign!
17.  Create a dance to go along with the Yes on 64 Theme Song and film yourself and your friends performing it. Upload it online and share it with the campaign!
18.  Call other voters in Colorado using our online phone bank when it becomes available in the coming days.
19.  Post a “Regulation Works” flyer at your local grocery store, laundromat, coffee shop, or anywhere you find a bulletin board.
20.  Make a donation. How about $64?
21.  Tell your neighbors why you’ll be voting YES on 64.
22.  Bring fliers or handouts with you to events, concerts, and other places where you’ll have the opportunity to spread the word to strangers.
23.  Get a YES on 64 tattoo. Or, for a less permanent option, paint the YES on 64 logo on your arms when you go to parties and events and use it to strike up a conversation.
24.  Wear your YES on 64 T-shirt once a week.
25.  Wear your YES on 64 button every day.
26.  Join a local social club and invite them to host a speaker from YES on 64.
27.  Make cookies or cupcakes decorated with YES on 64 and take them to a party or BBQ where you can tell people about the initiative.
28.  Buy a YES on 64 sticker and put it on your laptop or water bottle.
29.  Email five friends about Amendment 64.
30.  Friend the campaign on Facebook.
31.  Suggest the campaigns' page to your friends on Facebook.
32.  Follow the campaign on Twitter.
33.  Learn something new about marijuana or marijuana prohibition. Share it with your friends and with the campaign on Twitter: mention @COmarijuana2012 and use the hashtag #YESon64.
34.  Design an awesome infographic. Email it to us and we may add it to our online infographic collection.
35.  Share David Duchovny’s opinion about the wasteful nature of marijuana prohibition.
36.  Get a YES on 64 phone case and flash it around as often as you can.
37.  Create a video testimonial about why you support Amendment 64. Upload it online and share it with the campaign.
38.  Send a copy of “Marijuana is Safer: So why are we driving people to drink?” to a parent or grandparent who is on the fence about the initiative.
39.  Make “Marijuana is Safer: So why are we driving people to drink?” your next book club selection.
40.  Encourage students on your campus to register to vote to vote for marijuana. Send them this link to register online.
41.  Write Yes on 64 in chalk on sidewalks.
42.  Share the “It’s Time” video.
44.  Share a quote from Barack Obama on Facebook.
45.  Share Denver Post Mother’s Day guest column.
46.  Share the New York Times article highlighting Pat Robertson’s support for marijuana policy reform.
49.  Share the column from Norm Stamper, retired Seattle Police Chief, about ending marijuana prohibition.
51.  Share news that the Democratic Party of Colorado supports Amendment 64.
52.  Share the column from Gary Lindstrom, a former state representative and police officer.
53.  Read about why more than 100 professors endorse Amendment 64, then share the news with Colorado voters.
55.  Read about the economic benefits of Amendment 64 then share the news with other Colorado voters.
56.  Take & share the Marijuana vs. Alcohol quiz.
57.  Print & share Industrial Hemp & Amendment 64, our handout about how Amendment 64 will bring industrial hemp production to Colorado.
59.  Share Henry Ford’s defense of industrial hemp on Facebook.
60.  Vote YES on 64 by mail beginning October 15, or vote early beginning October 22.
61.  Make sure all of your friends and family have voted. Send text messages, make phone calls, and give people a ride to the polls!
62.  Print the 64 Things in 64 Days for Amendment 64 checklist. Check off the boxes when you complete one of the 64 Things, and keep friends updated on your progress by uploading pictures of your checklist online.
63.  Send us stories and pictures about your experience completing some of the 64 Things and we might post them on our Success Stories page or our 64 Things in 64 Days for Amendment 64 Facebook album.
64.  Fill in the blank!  ______________________________________________________
Law Office of Craig Small